Tarragona, the major city on "the golden coast holds a maritime history that stretches back more than two thousand years as the capital of the Roman Republic on the Iberian Peninsula. Due to this vibrant history, the city boasts no fewer than three World Heritage Site distinctions.
With the addition of a sustainable self-sufficient terminal which will be completed soon, the new pier facilities will be ready incoming transit & turnaround calls.
Global Ports Holding has announced a new addition to their Global Network with the historical port of Tarragona on the Costa Daurada in 2022.
As the name of this coastline suggests Tarragona is a city that bathes in aureate light from the reflection of the sea and onto its lands. The sunlight against the sandstone defines its landscape, its identity, its gastronomy, and its traditions. Tarragona has an impressive 15 kilometres of coastline for relaxing and enjoying nature. Tarragona is also the city of castells, a spectacular performance of human towers, rising to four stories high. Castells are seen throughout festive days during the year, but the annual Castells competition invites troupes from all over the region and is an event that literally stops the city in its tracks. It is a long tradition that in 2010 was declared as Intangible Cultural Heritage activity.